Are political "prophecies" of PEACE and SECURITY divinely or demonically inspired?
1 Th. 5:3    Rv. 16:14

....their promises aren't so sweet to their

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Why are the nations so glibly deceived into fighting

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their own selves, instead of mankind's common enemy, Satan ?    Eph.6:10

"....and I saw a wild beast ascending out of the sea.... and the dragon gave to the beast it's throne and great authority.... and they worshiped the dragon.... and the wild beast". Rv.13:1-4 .... consequently.....

Before Satan is "chained and cast into the abyss" Rv:20,
he's determined to mislead mankind to nuclear genocide, under the guise of  peace through the 'nuclear deterrent'. Mt.24:21-22.
Jehovah God meanwhile, is proclaiming his kingdom

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  " I will rock the nations, and the desirable things of the nations will come in and fill this house with glory".  Hag.2:7

"Diamonds of December" illustrates this global invitation, you can hear the song on this website. The song's interpretation is included.
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anguish of nations not knowing the way out, because of the roaring of the sea in it's agitation while men will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth". Lk.21:26

And I saw the heavens opened and look!

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a white horse.... and the one seated upon it... carries on war in righteousness.... the armies that were in heaven were following him... there protrudes a long sharp sword that he may strike the nations with it .... and the kings of the earth and their armies... wage the war with the one seated on the horse.... they were hurled into the fiery

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lake that burns with sulfur" 
Rv. 19:11-20

"For evildoers themselves will be cutoff, but those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. ... and they will find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace". Ps.37:9-11

The Great Tribulation begins with divine judgment upon "Babylon The Great, the Harlot", the global  false religious empire, because she commits fornication with the kings of the earth, in the name of God. This means she'll bless any war in exchange for tax free status, to safeguard  her "shameless luxury". "In her was found ... all the righteous blood spilled on the earth". Jehovah wili manipulate the "wild beast" (governments) to devour her wealth and humiliate her, exonerating his name.
'And the ten horns that you saw, and the

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put [it] into their hearts to carry out his thought, even to carry out [their] one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast"  Rv17:15

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hour such great riches have been devastated!
’  Rv18;15

"The Great  Tribulation will be terminated

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with the divine war of Armageddon,  by Jesus destroying the  global "military industrial complex", before it destroys  our Eco system, quite possibly by intercepting a run

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away nuclear, extinction level event.

Mt24:21  Rv19:17    

The "great crowd", Jehovah's international  spiritual "nation", from all races will survive Armageddon and start over to resume the divine master plan to make global Garden of Eden.   Rev.7:9-14

"The meek one's themselves will possess the earth and  will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace." Ps.37:11    Everyone is invited to learn Jehovah's requirements.

REVELATION It's Grand Climax At Hand, explains the last days, the great tribulation, Armageddon, and the Great Crowd who are delivered through it all to resume the divine master plan of making global garden of Eden !

Want to quickly understand the

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